Accepted Payments on-site (Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover, Cash) |
I provide on-site computer service through out the entire lower mainland. Appointments must be pre-booked in advance. I charge $100.00 for the first hour and each additional hour is $50.00 per hour plus GST. |
Most computers can be upgraded or serviced in the home. Occasionally a computer needs to come back with me due to the amount of time it takes to service it. Such as a slower computer with a Virus. A scan could take hours and its not worth $50.00 an hour for me to just wait for a scan to complete. |
In the event a I completely fail to solve the problem I will only charge $50.00 for coming out to your home reguardless of how many hours I spent attempting to correct the problem. |
Supported Systems. I support Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Mac OS X. I provide limited support to Windows 8 and Linux. |